5 advantages of Using IDT’s new qPCR master mix

The takeaway: IDT’s new PrimeTime™ One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix is a premium one-step qPCR master mix packed with advanced tools that let you choose the workflow that is best for your research. Ready to get started? This blog has five key tips you can use to get the most out of it.
IDT’s new PrimteTime One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix is a powerful tool for researchers who are looking for flexible research solutions.
The new PrimeTime Master Mix is a ready-to-use 4X concentrated mix designed for use in probe-based, real-time qPCR. It contains a mutant hot-start reverse transcriptase, a mutant hot-start DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, enhancers, and stabilizers.
While there are plenty of good master mixes on the market for researchers today, the PrimeTime One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix offers more. Ready to get started but looking for some pro tips on how to streamline and expedite your work?
5 tips you can use to get the most out of IDT’s PrimeTime™ One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix solution
1. Use purified samples or directly amplify from crude samples─ PrimeTime One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix product data show that this master mix can amplify from purified or crude samples in viral transport media (VTM). Further, this can be accomplished with a low detectable limit of five copies of RNA template for purified samples and 10 copies of RNA template for crude samples.
2. The master mix has high endpoint fluorescence, particularly at later Ct values─ ere again, this IDT product compares favorably against those from other vendors. As seen in test data, the PrimeTime™ One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix reliably detected low copy numbers with direct amplification on unpurified samples and provided confidence in data analysis with high end-point fluorescence, particularly at later cycles. This is particularly helpful when using samples (e.g., saliva) in which your targeted DNA/RNA is present at low concentrations relative to host DNA/RNA (e.g., Influenza A and SARS-CoV-2).
3. You can use the enhancer solution when amplifying crude samples─ The included enhancer solution was specifically designed to overcome inhibitors and improve amplification when using crude samples. Skipping the DNA extraction step helps you save precious sample material and this, in combination with the ability to overcome inhibitors, can reduce amplification biases.
4. The master mix is inhibitor resistant─ PCR inhibitors, like those found in blood and soil, can create headaches when it comes to amplification and data analysis by interfering with amplification results. The PrimeTime One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix is designed to be resistant to common inhibitors found in these types of samples, for reliable and consistent amplification results.
5. It is 5-plex reaction capable with standard or fast cycling protocols─ The PrimeTime One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix has proven performance from single plex probe assays up to 5-plex, with consistent and reliable results on each, which further shows its flexibility for a wide variety of challenging experiments.
To learn more about how IDT’s new master mix can accelerate your research, visit the product page and the frequently asked questions about the PrimeTime™ One-Step 4X Broad-Range Master Mix.
*RUO—For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, IDT does not intend for these products to be used in clinical applications and does not warrant their fitness or suitability for any clinical diagnostic use. Purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the use of these products and any associated regulatory or legal obligations.