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Our Collab Network members are not only experts within their own domain but educators with the research community. Learn more about the discoveries and findings our collaborators are achieving with IDT.

Member spotlight:

MGI Tech

MGI empowers partners like IDT to develop content for NGS users

MGI Tech Co., Ltd. (referred to as MGI) is committed to building core tools and technology to lead the life sciences through intelligent innovation. With a focus on R&D, production and sales of DNA sequencing instruments, reagents, and related products, MGI provides equipment and systems for precision medicine, precision agriculture, precision healthcare and other relevant industries. MGI is a leading producer of clinical high-throughput gene sequencers, and its multi-omics platforms include genetic sequencing, medical imaging, and laboratory automation.

We have partnered with MGI to provide IDT customers access to automation protocols and scripts for use on their MGI liquid handling instruments. Featured below are some of the existing protocols that have already been developed. Request access today!

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