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Our Collab Network members are not only experts within their own domain but educators with the research community. Learn more about the discoveries and findings our collaborators are achieving with IDT.

Member spotlight:

Manja Meggendorfer, PhD

The future of personalized genomics

Manja Meggendorfer is the Head of Molecular Genetics at Munich Leukemia Laboratory (MLL), where she oversees various R&D activities such as the 5,000 genome project, which is aimed at better understanding the genetic factors behind leukemia. She received her Master of Science in Biology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich and her PhD. in collaboration with the Helmholtz Center Munich working on gene regulation within the architecture of the cell nucleus. After her post-doctorate, she moved to the field of hematology as a scientist in the department of molecular genetics at MLL. In combination with her MBA in Health Care Management, Manja hopes to improve the diagnostic and prognostic work associated with routine diagnostic approaches for leukemia or lymphoma patients. 

MLL is a leading European-based institution for leukemia diagnostics and research. Learn more about the work MLL and IDT have partnered on in the featured content below!

Collaborator content